Just a quick update to let you know why I've gone grey. The shoulder pain turned out to a torn rotater cuff. MRI spotted it. I will eventually get in to see an orthepedic guy about it. but only after going through a long process. So glad that leaving our health care in the hands of private insurers does not result in any treatment delays. In the meantime pain controlled mainly with muscle relaxants which unfortunately leave me spacey and not overly functional.
Oh - in addition my Mom had a cut a few days ago where we could not stop the bleeding. She only let me know about this after bleeding for 25 minutes. So took her to emergency room, where she was triaged and eventually got to see a Physician Assistant who irrigated and stitched the wound with dissolving stitches. Ahead of us was a guy suffering from alcohol poisoning due to a .4 blood alcohol level. He survived and even woke up before we left, thanks to prompt treatment. From what I overheard the physicians tell the family, he was very lucky; .4 blood alcohol is fatal 50% of the time. His sister commented to his mother that she hoped this would scare the crap out of him and serve as a wakeup call. (There is very little privacy in the ER, especially when it is crowded and they are treating patients in the hall because they ran out of rooms.)
Oh also had my regular needle-in-the-eye injection yesterday. One thing you do NOT want to hear after such an injection from the doctor is "I almost never see this amount of bleeding".
Yikes, Typo! I hope your shoulder gets better -- is there even anything to do about a torn rotator cuff?
I am burning out so hard these days I can just barely manage to get through a day.
I hear that. I'm even exhausted from mostly good things! I was all excited to have a quiet weekend, but that still meant after-work plans on Friday, a block party today, two trips to the nursing home, and I was out and about most of yesterday. Maybe next weekend I can really sit around a lot? Maybe not. At least I don't think I have any after-work plans this week.
Am currently taking advantage of having woken up unnecessarily early to sit around for a couple of hours before getting a pedicure.
Yikes, Typo! I hope that is the end of unusual amounts of bleeding for you and your mother! Good luck with the shoulder.
I got an extra hour of sleep and then went back to bed for another hour after that and I'm still tired. But also hungry, so I am awake now for breakfast and then I guess I might as well mow the lawn and so forth while it is not scorching hot.
(There is very little privacy in the ER, especially when it is crowded and they are treating patients in the hall because they ran out of rooms.)
Totally. The ER in Idaho was like a massive HIPPA violation. Typo, is your mom on blood thinners(There is very little privacy in the ER, especially when it is crowded and they are treating patients in the hall because they ran out of rooms.
I am burning out so hard these days I can just barely manage to get through a day.
I so understand this. Why is this summer so exhausting this year? Next year, maybe I'll just try to work the whole summer and put the kids in camp in stead.
I went out to get cash for the pedicure and decided that the nail shop was more interaction than I actually felt like, so got a bagel and came home to do my own nails like a hero.
Huh, it seems to be raining. Only a tiny bit, but enough to keep me from working in the yard, probably. Hm, need to rethink my day.
We are going to an Angels' game today. Noah is over the moon about it Me? Less so.
We went wireless in the house, and now I'm laying in bed with my tablet. This 21st Century stuff is cool. The auto complete is very cool, too .