This is a friend who gleefully collects creepy and disturbing clown dolls. He refuses to believe that Belinda could be overwhelmingly disturbing. HE IS SO WRONG.
Jilli, what exactly were we all talking about that had me say, "OH MY GOD, JILLI! HE'S THE TARGET AUDIENCE FOR BELINDA?"
Jilli, what exactly were we all talking about that had me say, "OH MY GOD, JILLI! HE'S THE TARGET AUDIENCE FOR BELINDA?"
Something about clown dolls? IDK, I think my brain put up protective screens at that point. But I have sent him the photo, and will report back on his reaction.
Ugh. There is a training I really want to go to tomorrow morning (online/phone) from 9-11AM. I am supposed to be on a plane at 10AM. I looked at changing it, but my options are either 6AM flight (and then quick once I land figure out where to site and do the training, plus be exhausted all day) or 4PM flight (and don't get where I'm going until about 9PM what with driving time and evening traffic and whatnot). Hmm.
A very angry pair of cardinals( why do the always seem angry?) are enjoying the sunflower seeds I left out on the deck rail.
Almost out the door, mneh.
I'm playing hookey today. It is rainy with some thunder. Great day to work in the comfort of my bedroom rather than driving to the office.
Also gently engaging my young cousin on FB. She is still in the 'wants to be controversial' stage. Usually I ignore her, and she is much better than she used to be. I think she needs to get out of Nebraska more often. Good cousin that I am, I make a point of agreeing with her or complimenting her on other topics when I am scolding her in others to keep it balanced. At first I regretted accepting her friend request, but in some ways I have watched her mature a bit so I'll stick in there.
Found my wallet! In pile of laundry. So glad I didn't start canceling and replacing the contents yet. Whew!
Wooooot! Canceling cards is such a pain.
And I'd mentally written off that cash, so it feels like free money. Score.
So I caught a bug of some kind on Thursday. Made it through the workday but fell asleep as soon as I got home, and I spent the afternoon of the 4th at critical care getting IV fluids. And I spent the weekend getting not as much rest as I needed because Hubs is hypoallergenizing (is that even a word?) the house because he's become severely allergic to dust mites. Which involves taking all sorts of cushions, blankets, fake flower arrangements, and so on to storage. Plus collecting all sorts of things for future trips to storage. (Oh, and the storage unit is in Fauquier County. Which, for those of you not familiar with the DC area, is that gray area between suburbia and middle-of-nowhere.)
On Thursday night, we start down to Athens, GA, so we can get Marie started on stem cell treatment. (UGA is building a new vet hospital. After Marie, I figure we'll be about 1 major procedure away from getting something named after us.)
I go to work this morning to find that someone had been squatting at my desk and left behind some crap, so I have put it on the floor like the person squatting did to some of my things, because I needed to be a little passive-aggressive.