Took three Advil, and I'm feeling better, but I know it's temporary.
I haven't been losing weight lately, and I don't know why. I know why I gained during the semester, but I figured that, once the semester was over, and I could get back to eating healthy, then I'd lose the weight. But, not at all. It's annoying me, a lot.
We has monsoons. Puppy doesn't freak out. Wim
Except she's melting down now for no reason. Oh, puppies....
I had bronchitis once, but I didn't get abs from it. I've never had abs. Maybe I have a natural immunity to abs.
I did have walking pneumonia once, does that count?
I got bronchitis every fall like clockwork until I was 15. That was also the year I moved from MI to NC, which may not be a coincidence. Never had abs, though.
Timelies all!
I got bronchitis and walking pneumonia(not at the same time) a few times in high school/college. Haven't had a major illness in quite a while. Just lucky, I guess.
I get bronchitis fairly regularly, now it's every couple of years instead of every year, thank goodness. These days I feel like I pick up every cruddy bug that comes around, like my immune system thinks I'm a rookie at a daycare center. Very, very, super annoying.
I had bronchitis once in college, but I think that was it.
Have successfully seen my houseguests off, and I feel like they could have stayed longer, which is probably perfect, all things considered.
H and I had bronchitis every winter, like clockwork, a cold would "settle" and we'd cough for weeks. Haven't had it though, since we quit smoking.
How is monsoons in the desert, Cass?
I've been really lucky, no bronchitis for me. My mother used to get it every year until she stopped smoking, and my sister still gets it every winter because of her asthma and allergies.
It's a beautiful day again. I need to walk the dog, jump in the shower, and go take Dad to church. Go me.