The on call pediatricin didn't call back for about 3 hours. They can't put her in the PICU and the pedes floor is closed. So I have to wait for another 2 nurses to be called in and to arrive before they will transfer her to a room. Then they will open the pedes floor just for her.
I really wish we hadn't come to Idaho.
Oh Kat, I'm sorry.
hurts. Shocking no one. Ok, market.
I'm sorry, Kat.
My social activity took place yesterday morning; yesterday evening I stayed in and read fic. This morning I'll be hitting the farmers market. The good tomatoes are coming in now.
My whole body aches, and I have no idea why. All I did yesterday was go grocery shopping, make potato salad, and nap. None of that should lead to this kind of pain.
How scary, Kat! I'm sorry you're having to deal with that.
Yikes, Kat. I'm glad she's doing OK now.
Yikes, Kat! How scary. I'm sorry your trip is going to be cut short.
Oh Kat! I am so sorry that things have taken such a scary turn. I hope that Grace, and all of your family, got some rest last night.