Laura, yay good shopping experiences!
Well, I had a long and kinda meh Pride...until the very end. The VERY end. So, went out Friday, hung out with friends. Went out Saturday, hung out with friends. Went to the parade today, hung out with friends. Wanted to go out tonight, finally found a friend who was going, hung out with her. Saw a cute girl, found a friend who knew her, found out she had a girlfriend. Saw a cute girl working there, saw her hit on someone else. It got to be like, 11PM and my friends and I were like "screw it, it's late, we gotta go". And as we're leaving and a couple of them go to say goodbye to people, my friend was talking with a friend of hers who we'd talked with a bit earlier, who was with another person. The other person looks at me and says "OK, where do I know you from?" and I looked at her and went "....OKCupid?" Yeah. We had emailed a couple times and managed to kind of mutually flake on getting together. And then ended up standing around talking and flirting for an hour before finally leaving. Even if nothing happens (though I hope something happens--she was all "definitely hit me up again" and so I just sent her a message when I got home), it was an excellent end to the weekend. :)
I'm so very sorry Daniel. (As you can imagine, 'aunts' hold a special place in my heart.)
I'm sorry, Daniel.
My email is down and there's a message I'm really regretting not sending at the end of the day on Friday! I thought I could do it first thing this morning!!
Apparently I was run over by a truck in my sleep. Does not make a good argument for going to bed at a not-unreasonable time.
I am in a awkward situation at work right now- my student came in and her shorts are WAY to short, so I need to talk to her. The only problem is that I somehow lost my sweater, so my outfit is also somewhat inappropriate. I am uncertain of what to do!
I feel like one of the prerogatives of being a boss is telling people what to do, regardless of what you yourself are doing!
it was an excellent end to the weekend
YaY! Perchance excellent weekends in the near future too.
Ugh Sophia. Although arms showing seems a lesser offense.
Condolences, DCJ
Yay, meara!
I went for a run at dawn and it was already kinda too hot and muggy. Then when I got home and looked at the time it was actually time to drive to work. So, came in late, and now it seems without my phone. Monday.
But the new adhesive strips I got for my FasTrak appear to be holding, so I got that going for me which is nice.
That's weird. My phone just called itself. My landline phone and the caller ID showed my name and the number of the phone itself. I answered and no one was there. Is this an omen?