I got a card from Spartacus today, wishing me a nice day. 'Twas a lovely thing to receive on a Monday. Thank you, Spartacus!
'Just Rewards (2)'
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2013: That Was the Year That Was
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Thanksgivukkahmas, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Out you go, 2013!
I am still getting Spartacus valentine cards. It's awesome.
That Spartacus gets around.
I got a mystery belated Valentine yesterday!
To anyone who has not been Spartacused, and would like to be, you might want to consider adding your information to the Buffista Master Mailing List. I can't promise mail, but it does make it easier for Spartacus to find you.
What Suzi said!
I too got a mysterioso belated non-Spartacan valentine. Is awesome in the extreme!
There was an lj friend who was stuck in major not dealing, and she kept getting more non-responsive, stopped posting, stopped answering her email, and finally deleted her journal. No one had thought to get her phone number, but one of us sent her mail, just a card, on the theory that it doesn't cost a lot for people online to blow smoke up your skirt--it's just pixels. But something tangible, in your hand, that says, we know you're hurting and we care.... She came back online, slowly, and has said it was holding the card in her hand, not necessarily reading it more than once, just holding it and looking at it was the thing that reconnected for her.
I would *pay* the postal service for what they do--as long as they dump the junk mail before they get to my box.
I love you, Beverly.
And am nodding in agreement.
::nods along from lurker mode::