I got a non-Thor Spartacus card today! I yelled "Spartacus" and waved the envelope even before I opened it. The dog was confused.
'Heart Of Gold'
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2013: That Was the Year That Was
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Thanksgivukkahmas, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Out you go, 2013!
I yelled SPARTACUS! as I stood in front of my mailbox. I don't think anyone heard me though, because it's noontime and the cathedral across the way is doing its chime-y thing. I shall indeed endeavor to follow Thor's Valentine's Day instructions.
You know I'm sitting here imagining all of you wearing Tony Curtis masks, right? You know, the ones where you print out the picture and put it on a popsicle stick (or tongue depressor, whatever works.)
t sound of a dozen printers churning
Awww, thanks Sparticus! I like my Thor Valentine!
I got Spartacused too!
That Sparticus gets around, is all I’m saying.
Thor!Spartacus strikes again!
And msbelle, what a perfect card! I'm tickled you tried to mail it without a stamp or an address - either one would be amusing but both really elevates it.
Thanks for the Sock Dreams gift certificate, Secret Santa! I'm having lots of fun exploring the options.