Haven't got mine yet, but I knew it would be early January and I'm not concerned about it. Also, my own giftee will probably not receive hers until Tuesday because UPS is expensive and slow and I'm just slow.
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2013: That Was the Year That Was
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Thanksgivukkahmas, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Out you go, 2013!
Yep, haven't gotten mine yet but my elf told me it's on it's way.
I have very scientifically look through the cards and I got more cards from 2 people than from any others, so I am guessing one of you.
Now I wish I had sent msbelle another card.
Also, this sounds like me going through teaching evals. I wonder if you figured out which one is from me.
Everyone who sent a card should send another card exposing Santa. Or maybe just with clues.
That would be hilarious.
why for would you all do that to me? Am I not nice? you all are taunty taunters who taunt.
You guys! Secret Santa came by my house again. With more fabulous tea, an a for able little bracelet with owls, and a bunch of other goodies. Thanks, pinch Santa!
I'm confessing, it was me. I just so relived that you got it!
Yay, that's what I thought. Thank you!!!
You are entirely welcome!
I am back in SoCal, and will be in the office tomorrow (my elfster mailing address). Just in case my SS was getting worried, as I recall a mention that something was sent right when I was leaving for the holidays.