It gets WAY BETTER after season 2.
'A Hole in the World'
Animation 1: I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Drawn That Way
A thread to discuss television and online animation.
It gets WAY BETTER after season 2.
That's exactly the impression I'm getting. Ryan's box set is mostly post-S2, and it's like they've set up this world and this cast, and now look what we can do with them. (The answer appears to be emotionally complex character development, some truly creepy and disturbing stuff that goes right over Ryan's head, and occasional wall-to-wall WTF. Oh, and hilarity, like Jake the Dad. "Look, fellas, there's never gonna be a perfect baby.")
In conclusion, my favourite character right now might be Beemo.
Yup, I am drinking my vodka-tonic from one of my several Adventure Time glasses.
::checks to look::
It is, in fact, BMO! BMO is the best! Yay BMO!
This might possibly be the most brilliant animated series I've seen.
Haaaaaaaaave you seen Steven Universe?
Adventure Time is pretty great, though lately I feel like I'm watching more out of inertia than actual enjoyment.
Matilda and I got back a little while ago from this event at SF Sketchfest (got free tickets after Sketchfest offered comps to every ticketholder for the Galavant event after it ended up short two actors), and it was utterly wonderful. Matilda wore this shirt, and Tom Kenney admired it tremendously and said that he wished his 12-year-old daughter had come so that she and Matilda could talk Labyrinth trivia together. And Maria Bamford is lovely and quietly, snarkily funny, John DiMaggio is a terrifying energy ball (who may possibly have drowned her and the others out just a bit), and Kent Osborne, credited in the blurb as a voice actor, is actually mostly a writer and told many writerly stories about how the show is constructed and how the writers have worked out various characters' backstories.
It really should have been Hec seeing it with Matilda, but he is eyeball deep in deadlines and fretful project heads, so I escorted Matilda (but he signed a Lumpy Space King postcard for Hec, with the encouraging message: "Stay Frosty!").
I'm not jealous. That's my regular face.
Anyone else watching RWBY? It's gotten much darker this season and I don't know how I feel about it.
I might possibly be more concerned about RWBY if it came out often enough for me to keep all the characters and plot threads straight in my head.
...RWBY...much darker this season....
Much. Right from the start of the opening lyrics:
Maybe red's like roses?
Maybe it's the pool of blood
The innocents will lay in
When in the end you've failed to save them?