Animation 1: I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Drawn That Way
A thread to discuss television and online animation.
I predict I will not remember enough to have any idea what is going on when it airs.
Our long national nightmare is almost over!
Just before Christmas, I finally got around to borrowing Adventure Time from the library, see what all the fuss was about. Ryan's been watching it with me. We got through Seasons 1 and 2, and I was pretty impressed. Some fun stuff. Lumpy Space Princess was funny, and Billy (BILLY!) was hilarious. (I've since been periodically following Riyi around and singing "Who slayed an evil ocean? Who cast the Lich King down? MUMMY!!" She's not as apprciative of this as Ryan is.)
For Christmas Ryan got a box set of collections (Jake the Dad, The Suitor and REIGN OF GUNTERS). We're now partway through REIGN OF GUNTERS. (GUNTERS!)
...This might possibly be the most brilliant animated series I've seen. I don't recall another series as deft at pitching to kids and adults (and tweens, and teens) simultaneously.
It gets WAY BETTER after season 2.
It gets WAY BETTER after season 2.
That's exactly the impression I'm getting. Ryan's box set is mostly post-S2, and it's like they've set up this world and this cast, and now look what we can do with them. (The answer appears to be emotionally complex character development, some truly creepy and disturbing stuff that goes right over Ryan's head, and occasional wall-to-wall WTF. Oh, and hilarity, like Jake the Dad. "Look, fellas, there's never gonna be a perfect baby.")
In conclusion, my favourite character right now might be Beemo.
Yup, I am drinking my vodka-tonic from one of my several Adventure Time glasses.
::checks to look::
It is, in fact, BMO! BMO is the best! Yay BMO!
This might possibly be the most brilliant animated series I've seen.
Haaaaaaaaave you seen Steven Universe?
Adventure Time is pretty great, though lately I feel like I'm watching more out of inertia than actual enjoyment.