So many great moments!! What a great ending! I like how the vines fought back. Sure, folks are calling it a "chain reaction", but I saw it more as the spirit vines fighting back, and attempting to wipe out she who used them so wrongly. But then Korra stepping in to protect her. And that love of humanity, to protect your enemy, is what opened the new spirit portal.
I liked how Asami's father had a chance to redeem himself. Very sad about the ultimate sacrifice. And i thought for sure that Mako was done for, and loved the brotherly love that has Bolin return to save him.
Wu stepping up! Multiple times. First to help with crowd control. Then with the great idea of the badgers. And lastly the realization that Earth Kingdom should be a Republic, and stepping down. Lots of growth there.
I loved how the show respected children, gave them a voice, and allowed them to participate. Meelo came up with the plan that delayed the giant mech suit. While the plan didn't work directly, it did slow things down to give the hummingbirds a chance. But the fact that they went with the 9 year olds plan is big.
The other thing I loved is the TON of strong female characters. Not just warriors. But showing strong mothers, female leadership in politics, police, and military. Female leadership in enterprise. Loved that! Need more of it.
Loved how Zhu Li dipped Varrick, and Varrick was the weepy one. I could totally see that being me! If only I could find a geeky woman like that! Ha.
All around. Loved the show. Sad to see it done. But happy it ended well. Glad Nick gave the show room to breathe. Alowed it to become more adult, and not just a Saturday morning cartoon.