I can't believe I actually feel sorry for Bataar now.
Animation 1: I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Drawn That Way
A thread to discuss television and online animation.
Kuvira feels like the most relatable, least mwahaha of the villains. Zaheer wasn't bad either but Kuvira's ideology makes a certain sense and I believe that she believes it's right, not for her own sake but for the Earth Nation's. And Bataar ate it all up and he just wanted to unite the Earth Nation, that seems like a worthy goal, right?
And this whole season is very interesting in light of what the comics have been exploring.
The Korra finale is supposed to be up by midnight Thursday evening/Friday morning: [link]
Why do I have to work on Friday? Argh.
9PM PST, Consuela! Would mean staying up past my bedtime, but not by that much...
I'll wait till more people have watched it but spoilers, the finale is great and wonderful and yeah I have emotions and stuff.
(Also you should definitely avoid any places you think might spoil you like...the entire Internet? I don't know. Watch out, I'm saying.)
I’m hard-pressed to think of any long-form TV series, any at all, that ended as perfectly as both Avatar and Korra have.
THAT was a wonderful ending to the series.
That was nicely done. Tied up a lot of things, resolved a lot of character dynamics, and even democratized the Earth Kingdom!
Well done, show!