Whoa, that was cold. Kuvira, I mean.
Animation 1: I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Drawn That Way
A thread to discuss television and online animation.
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Woah, way to go, Bolin.
Well, they finally showed Kuvira actually killing people. Lots of them. Including her fiance, who I was surprised she cared as much about as she did.
Yeah, her love for him seemed genuine, but not stronger than her love of ~*empire*~.
That was impressive, and geniunely surprising.
Like I saw it coming but didn't want it to happen and also would this show really go there YES IT WOULD.
Whoa, that was cold. Kuvira, I mean.
I flipped my shit at the giant mech but then that ending holy shit.
Also how about that Zhu Li, huh? I should have known it was too much to ask for Varrick to have un-Varricked himself THAT much but good on her for refusing to take his shit.
That was pretty sweet.
I've been waiting for Zhu Li to tell Varrick off for months. So sweet.
Wow. That episode was intense.
And yeah, as soon as she asked for the location of the radio signal, I knew she was going to nuke the building. I agree that Kuvira actually having some feelings for Batar was surprising, though obviously not enough to not sacrifice him to kill off her rivals or anything. Yeesh.
I do have to say, the giant mecha suit was awesome, and the way they showed Kuvira using her metal-bending to pilot it was pretty sweet.
Oh! I didn't notice that.
I can't believe I actually feel sorry for Bataar now.
Kuvira feels like the most relatable, least mwahaha of the villains. Zaheer wasn't bad either but Kuvira's ideology makes a certain sense and I believe that she believes it's right, not for her own sake but for the Earth Nation's. And Bataar ate it all up and he just wanted to unite the Earth Nation, that seems like a worthy goal, right?
And this whole season is very interesting in light of what the comics have been exploring.