For some reason I was out like a light before the VMAs came on at 8 last night and napped almost 6 hours. Which coincidentally ended up working out great for a late-night booty call whose other participant got into town several hours later than expected. I woke within minutes of his apologetic text all refreshed and ready to go.
I suspect the much-better-than-usual mood I've been in this summer may have a lot to do with sex being a weekly occurrence instead of a semi-annual one. (The unusually comfortable cool weather probably plays a big role too.)
I love when the boys go through caring about how they look phases! Bobby had his first day of college today!!!! He looked quite dapper in a beige and white striped polo and khaki slacks. Alas, his brother is in a slob phase.
eta: Woo! Matt!
Jesse, I think this video clip might be good for the Tumblr:
So awesome.
ETA: Chenoweth's reactions are priceless. And it's such a reminder that there's talent everywhere. Just because you're not a famous Broadway star doesn't mean you can't blow away a stadium with your voice.
It's in the queue already, thanks to Amy!
Oh, excellent. Such a great little clip.
That wasn't me! I put in the one with the guy from America's Got Talent!
I like Horn's voice better than Chenoweth's, honestly. What a great moment!
Bulletin from the clear-food fast: why is there no clear chocolate. You'd think in the 21st Century with the rocket packs and robot maids, we'd have clear chocolate, too.
Perhaps not coincidentally, I've had my first hunger pangs.
My mom told me last night that my nephew is regrowing his neckbeard. He shaved it off while he was in Boston for the summer, but now that he's home, he's started regrowing it. Sigh.
Is there a market for "WE ALL DON'T LIKE YOUR SOUL PATCH" logo materials? I don't need to make a profit--I just want to make a difference.