Did I ever tell the story of the bat that crashed a dance show I was lighting? It first appeared in this dark, modern piece with monks robes and music by Enigma, just sort of swooping over the heads of the dancers. It was really kind of cool. Unfortunately, the next piece was small children tapping to I'm a Yankee-Doodle-Dandy. The bat was a bit out of place in that one.
Wee! I'm picturing a bat swooping around with the "Gotta Dance" song as an earworm.
Wow, the swoopy bat stories are cool, though I wouldn't want one in my house!
Good luck, Burrell, and your sister.
We are headed to a baseball game today. I'm hoping it is neither too cold nor too hot--I already got sunburned yesterday!!
I took a redeye home last night, which was such a mistake! Except financially, which is why I did it, but still. I came home and slept a few more hours and am still sleepy.
If it wasn't for the guano, I would love to have swoopy bats in my place (hopefully they'd take out both the insects and the jillifonts I keep seeing).
We just need rabies checks and a bat litter box training system. Marketing opportunity!
Frank, I was just thinking about your ex-apartment. What is your situation now, all settled yet?
Our Canada cabin has a bat. His name is Flappy, and he lives in the space between the rafters and the chimney. He's been there several years so at this point it's probably at least Flappy III. He doesn't leave droppings and the mosquito and fly populations are kept well under control.
Bad discovery of the day: Target has new dresses that fit me well, and are cute and work appropriate.
On the upside, I am set for fall, and I bought a 12 pack of Fresca.
Aw, generations of Flappy, that's great.
I've heard that, too, aurelia. I do tend to wake up or almost wake up in the middle of the night, but I don't want to actually get up - rolling over and going back to sleep feels immensely right. If I keep wanting to go to bed approximately when the sun goes down, maybe I will experiment in December...
Bats in the theatre definitely sound exciting! I have to admit, the whole Yankee Doodle Dandy scenario is putting me in mind of that Bugs Bunny cartoon with the abraca-pocus shape-changing going on.
Eta: yay dresses and Fresca!
BTW - I decided to stay awake and do laundry. Whee?
Yeah, that's not bad news, Lee!