I have an annual Coca Cola craving. I have never had a Pepsi craving. God, that shit is nasty.
Yup. My craving is slightly more than annual it's when I go to movie (but not even every movie). Recently I asked Bob to get me a coke while I went to the ladies room and he got me a soda and it was a Pepsi. Bleh! Fortunately I discovered this before actually drinking it and was able to exchange it for a Dr Pepper (which is really just for long road trips and only because I'm half Texan). The End.
My craving is often when I have a sore throat. I like the acidity and the bubbles. I don't know if my OOC Sodatstream/True Lemon habit will prohibit that. I hope so! I have quite fallen away from sweet drinks.
I like the acidity and the bubbles.
Yes! Unfortunately, it's the brown sodas I prefer, and the phosphoric acid in them is playing hob with my calcium.
I drink Pepsi now(but I prefer coke) but I couldn't drink cola for a long time after trying too soon to have it after a virus.
I'm looking after a couple of projects not normally within my wheelhouse and I've got three separate contractors telling me that the reason our website is not functioning is because someone else's code is faulty but nobody will admit to actually knowing how to do ANYTHING. It's like a game of who-can-pass-the-buck-the-farthest-while-covering-the-most-ass.
I stopped drinking soda a couple of years ago, and when I go visit my family, I'm always boggling at how much Diet Mountain Dew they go through.
Pepsi might as well be bottled by the Devil as far as I'm concerned, but more power to the people who like the taste. Leaves more diet Dr. Pepper for me!
As for the clock purchase, I made a bid on this one yesterday before finding all the really neat ones I posted, and so am kind of hoping someone outbids me today. But if my bid ends up winning it'll probably still look pretty good in that space (maybe not as good as the Art Deco ocean liner clock, though). I really like the Art Deco macaroni design one, but have to admit it would have fit my previous apartment much better than the current modern decor one.
In any event I may also track down a retail version of the swoosh, as that would complete a 3-piece wall hanging design across my north wall with my yellow
Little Miss Sunshine
poster and my big golden
Oh WorldCon, W.T.F. [link]
I love my one Diet Coke per day. Also this morning, I was about to Snopes a friend of mine for posting some shit about poison in Mountain Dew... except Snopes said it was kind of true! But you probably won't have a problem unless you drink multiple liters of Mountain Dew every day.
My preferences aren't strong, but I will usually take Pepsi over Coke. I will take most things over Diet Coke, since it just tastes like chemicals to me.