Today's evil (for values of evil that include making people clap their hands in glee when you bring them some), courtesy of Costco
My parents got some of that at Christmas. I was surprisingly into it!
Dana, you have neglected to account for the schmoozing.
Curse you, schmoozing! Mama is hungry!
And I have to say, this job posting sounds a little bit like hell.
Help, we need experienced script writers ASAP!
Our client, a large oil and gas company, needs help writing a script.
The script needs to be 15-20 minutes long, and will involve actors and incorporate a game.
The ideal candidate does not need to have experience writing for Oil and Gas - but is an entertaining and witty writer.
I think I am all used up. I feel empty. Plus I am starting to make mistakes right and left. Not a good way to start the semester.
Today's evil (for values of evil that include making people clap their hands in glee when you bring them some), courtesy of Costco:
Okay, seriously. Now you are kidding, right? I was with it as long as I could imagine cheesecake, even overly sweet, but they had to bring the salt up again.
I had a random grab bag of Kind low-glycemic granola bars, and I was digging into the last one, and it totally tasted like I'd...brushed it in something. Which made no sense, because the other stuff I was eating were tangerines.
Then I checked the label, and...chili. Now, I don't mind it in my chocolate. I kinda explicitly like it in my chocolate. Not in my granola bars, though.
That definitely sounds like a sometimes food.
Connie, are you suggesting that I am too anemic to be a good minion?
Oh, Burrell, No wonder. Given what you've been dealing with, you must be running on empty. Anything you can do for just you? A massage or a museum visit or something?