I had a random grab bag of Kind low-glycemic granola bars, and I was digging into the last one, and it totally tasted like I'd...brushed it in something. Which made no sense, because the other stuff I was eating were tangerines.
Then I checked the label, and...chili. Now, I don't mind it in my chocolate. I kinda explicitly like it in my chocolate. Not in my granola bars, though.
That definitely sounds like a sometimes food.
Connie, are you suggesting that I am too anemic to be a good minion?
Oh, Burrell, No wonder. Given what you've been dealing with, you must be running on empty. Anything you can do for just you? A massage or a museum visit or something?
Anything you can do for just you? A massage or a museum visit or something?
I think of my stretch class as me-time, so I have that. No time for any extras these days. Too many things that NEED to get done are getting pushed to the side, so if any extra time appears, those need to come first.
Ugh, Burrell. Good luck making it through. (Which I mean 100% sincerely, even though it probably looks snotty!)
Connie, are you suggesting that I am too anemic to be a good minion?
No, but some unremembered activity has made you ineligible to donate blood and help the community, thereby furthering the cause of evil, bwah-ha-hah!
Coworker that has a deliciously dry and blunt sense of humour is finally getting on my nerves. First she texts me on my day off for information that is not my job to disseminate, but she phrases it like it is. Then today she emails everyone for confirmation of an eblast. I was in the middle of a phonecall and then dealing with interns, and she gets sarcastic with me about not having immediately responded with new language, seeing as how I am the unofficial director of my department. Hi, if this was time sensitive, you are five steps from me. Don't berate me five minutes before you leave for not having responded immediately on a time sensitive matter.
Maybe she's still being dryly sarcastic, but I'm half a staff right now and in a phone conference with a vendor, and it's starting to wear.
That's rough, Burrell. That sounds like a really hard way to start the semester. I guess taking time off from work would probably be complicated.
Thanks, Jesse. I have a jar of picked jalepenos and carrots.