meara, a friend of mine had a bedbug infestation, so researched heavily What To Do, since she had a shitload of expensive bellydancing clothing -- with spangles, beads, jewels, lace, gold thread and whatnot. It turns out, leaving the clothes in a hot car (they get easily to 120F) on a sunny day works just fine.
The rest of the house got the regular fumigation and everything is copacetic now.
This is making me laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh: [link]
Theo that's good--it's supposed to be in the 90s here today so the car trunk will easily be that hot.
Especially because I just tried to go running and damn it's so humid! I am so spoiled in Seattle.
The shit is that, Tom???
You guys, I am HURTING this morning. My team (DESTROY ALL MEN) won at trivia last night, which, yay, but I did not need the free drink which was our prize. Yikes. Next time, maybe a free soda.
I did not go to my bar's trivia last night, but I heard there were scouts from NBC there.
Anyone have a London hotel recommendation? We'll have the 4-year old with us, although she has already told us she'd prefer Paris to check on Madeline.
First full week of classes, and the air conditioning is out in our section of offices!
When we traveled to London with the kids we rented a flat in Islington through airbnb instead of a hotel - much cheaper and more room to stretch out.
I did not go to my bar's trivia last night, but I heard there were scouts from NBC there.
Ooh. There would not be scouts at this trivia.... I think there were six teams playing, including the bartenders, and the guy who does it immediately knew who my friend was waiting for (she was not there when we went last month).
Jesse, I doubt this ranks for goodstuff with all the famous on the internet (eee famous on the internet!) going on, but I thought you guys should know that my neighbor's new dog is lethally cute and makes me super happy even when I've had 3 hours' sleep: [link]
Sparky, there's a family-friendly lodgings list here: [link]
And an android app: [link] And a bunch of iThing apps: [link]
OK, eeeek. If you have extra nonspecific but kind of literary shaped~ma, can you aim it this way today if you're so inclined? For no reason. None. Many thanks.
Thanks, Sox - I found that list before and it is not helpful since their cheapest hotel on that list (with availability) is about $700/night. The first one listed for our dates is just over $1800/night.