In principle, I am not sure people are against voter ID, but the implementation is really biased: has to be a state issued id or driver's license, school id won't work. library card won't work. gun license WILL work.
To be fair, I would hope that the identification process is more closely monitored for gun licenses than for library cards.
People never realize how truly dangerous books can be...
GNARGHHHH I don't want to be awake right now. Or for the last three hours.
Another thing about voter ID requirements that many people do not realize is how difficult it can be to get an ID if you do not have one for someone who is disabled, or elderly & poor enough that driving a car was given up a while before. If you don't already have a state issued ID, chances are it is because you don't have a copy of your birth certificate for whatever reason. IF a birth certificate exists, it costs $25 (give or take) to get one. Most of us have an idea what it is like to try to squeeze out an extra $25 out of your budget when there is no extra money for anything. Not everybody remembers that feeling.
And some of the people who are most anxious to have voter ID requirements in place know exactly what it means.
The voter ID laws tend to specify that a free or low-cost ID will be supplied to those who need one. That makes it
as thought it is not meant to put barriers up to low-income voters - but they don't frickin' offer to pay for a copy of the birth certificate you need in order to get the ID. Then if you do, somehow, scrape up the funds to get that birth certificate, you have to find a way to get to the DMV - begging a ride from a neighbor or family member, or whomever. That's not always as easy as it might sound; good neighbors can no longer be taken for granted. Sometimes they simply do not exist. Sometimes the ones who are most willing have conflicts in their own schedules that make it challenging to get to the DMV during business hours. I have seen how difficult it was for someone in one of the homes I work in to get a state ID, and that person had staff ready, willing and able to get that person to the DMV - I can imagine how difficult it can be for someone who does not have an official caregiver with a vehicle at their disposal to get that ID - close enough to impossible as makes no difference.
Whereas getting to vote can be as simple as requesting an absentee ballot and/or calling up the local senior center to arrange a carpool if the polling place isn't in easy walking distance.
meara, a friend of mine had a bedbug infestation, so researched heavily What To Do, since she had a shitload of expensive bellydancing clothing -- with spangles, beads, jewels, lace, gold thread and whatnot. It turns out, leaving the clothes in a hot car (they get easily to 120F) on a sunny day works just fine.
The rest of the house got the regular fumigation and everything is copacetic now.
This is making me laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh: [link]
Theo that's good--it's supposed to be in the 90s here today so the car trunk will easily be that hot.
Especially because I just tried to go running and damn it's so humid! I am so spoiled in Seattle.
The shit is that, Tom???
You guys, I am HURTING this morning. My team (DESTROY ALL MEN) won at trivia last night, which, yay, but I did not need the free drink which was our prize. Yikes. Next time, maybe a free soda.
I did not go to my bar's trivia last night, but I heard there were scouts from NBC there.
Anyone have a London hotel recommendation? We'll have the 4-year old with us, although she has already told us she'd prefer Paris to check on Madeline.
First full week of classes, and the air conditioning is out in our section of offices!