Okay, I keep getting email updates to a subscription that I apparently have to Minecraft. Except, I' not subscribed to any minecraft feeds. I did, once, search on minecraft, because it kept coming up in stuff I was reading and had no idea what it was. And now, when I log into my YT account, there's nothing in my subscritions about MC, yet I still keep getting emails.
Maybe this is a tech thread question?
Esprit! Esprit, Bennetton, and French Connection were huge when I was in high school. Oh, and Gunne Sax for prom. And LeSportSac for bags.
I owned the most Swatches. It was kinda stupid.
We carried those big esprit bags with all our books because it was near impossible to get into your locker between classes. Once I started driving, I kept the books for the second half of the day in the car. Pretty sure we all had back issues.
ION, if I make it to friday morning without a meltdown, I'll be shocked. I have so much that needs to get done PLUS I'm taking care of 2 cat households other than my own. Took out 3 households trash. I think I can offload one set of cats, but not the special needs kitties. It's an emergency situation, so I don't begrudge that, the timing is just bad. But Pat called me from the hospital today, and really? The timing doesn't matter in the grand scheme.
Troy (SN kitty) was so sweet and ate half hit food and was still chowing down when I left. I think he might boredom eat, because Pat warned me I might have to encourage him to eat, but I didn't have that problem at all once I gave him plenty of love. He's probably all 'I have no one to pet me, might as well eat." And I actually saw Teeka! She fled after a couple minutes, though.
OK, updating cat instructions for MY guys.
I still long for my Swatch. The best watch I ever had. Black hands and numbers on a black face.
That was a beautiful Swatch.
I had a Flik-Flak in the late eighties. That was the Swatch brand for kids, where the hands were different colors and there were a few other things like that, which were supposed to help us learn to tell time. I also had several regular Swatches.
My main Swatch was black and yellow. That's the one I had for the longest.
I also remember fetishising Banana Republic back when they did the travel schitck. I still miss some of those clothes. But I have enough BR shit now to make up for it multiply. Which is the same spelling as multiply. Huh.
My sister's not due for HOURS and the CO monitor is beeping and I can't get to it--I can just touch it, but not climb onto anything to read how to open the battery hatch. WHY IS IT WEDGED SHUT?
I just had this vision of Casper sitting around 30 years from now, chatting with her friends using her brain-embedded chip or whatever, all, "Remember when we were in, like, 5th grade? And shopped at Justice? And everyone was so into duct tape? And those shoes, what were they called - oh, Toms!"