Yeah, Matt, that's the unstated premise for it, but for some folks that's too direct.
As with "welfare folks must take drug tests", I like to point out that it's a money-losing proposition for the taxpayer, because that hits some folks right in the pocketbook that they claim is so precious.
There's always hope that the logical divide between cheapness and racism will cause short-circuited brains, but that rarely happens beyond a "But--but?--but!"
(I really must remember to try a "let's mandate drug tests for gun owners!" for some quality trolling in the future.)
Oh, but he problem those procedures are actually designed to correct isn't voter fraud; it's those pesky poor minorities showing up to vote Democrat.
Truthfully, I wondered if my polling place was enforcing the ID requirement because it's >90% Democrat and >60% black.
There's always hope that the logical divide between cheapness and racism will cause short-circuited brains, but that rarely happens beyond a "But--but?--but!"
Come on, can you think of a better way to spend tax dollars than making sure poor black people aren't getting away with something? Surely not!
the nanny is at the house with mac. he remains in his room in a semi-turd-like state. Because I am glutton for punishment I have offered to take him to lunch, location is my choosing.
90s outfits!
Oh, yeah -- I loved the 90s look of flowy floral dresses and clompy stompy boots.
Clearly I'm going to need a hat!
So in other words, River Tam.
your question about voter ID, etc. is exactly right. Several states have investigated the "problem" of voter fraud and found it to be negligible if not nonexistent. In fact, the documented cases of voter fraud of which I am aware were members of the GOP (Indiana and Colorado, I think).
In principle, I am not sure people are against voter ID, but the implementation is really biased: has to be a state issued id or driver's license, school id won't work. library card won't work. gun license WILL work. This is too much WTF for the world.
Further, PA's voter id was put in place with insufficient time for everyone to get ids. And state offices didn't have enough open hours or staff to process them by elections.
So this is suppression, plain and simple.
Yikes, Theo! Glad the end of that story was good. Scary.
Jesse, that describes my tumblr. I actually set it up for Good Stuff, possibly? Or that was the first thing I ever followed.
I was out of college by the 90s, and I'm thinking I was stuck in the 80s. I never owned body suits, and I was still wearing leggings a lot. And then fairly traditional office suits.