oh, sarameg, we need to work out you coming over for kitten time for real!
Oh yeah! I really need the giggles. And I want to see the canine-feline negotiations! As much as I wish I could run away from work (so convenient!) it's actually really hard to do of late. Makes me nuts.
Fingers crossed, quester!
Good luck, quester! I get the ambivalence of the not ideal job; I hope it's not too bad, anyway.
Man, I am starving today. Every time I turn around it's to look for something more to eat. I hope that means I'm getting better.
I'm so sorry, ita.
Quester, best luck!
Tomorrow is the last day of school for the students. I have some grading and a ton of end of the year stuff to take care of (including packing up my room since they are renovating my whole hallway and I'll be in another classroom next year), so I don't feel remotely done. But still, whee! So ready.
Graduation went well. One of the kids who was speaking used the quote that hangs in my room from T. S. Eliot about beginnings and endings. I never teach it or refer to it, so I can't figure out if it was a shout out or not.
Last day with students tomorrow and then cleaning and then DONE. Sort of. Then Grace has surgery next week and life rolls on.
Thanks, guys. I offered all the recruiters I'm connected to on LinkedIn my resume (four grabs so far) as well as sent a goodbye note to my business users who think I'm one of maybe 3 useful people in the whole department, and the manager has agreed to be a reference for me (he was a reference for me for this job too...). Oh, and I tightened up my overlong resume.
I figure that's fair day 1 activity. Tomorrow? I guess I'll click on the LinkedIn job openings and do as much follow through as possible.
Jobma, for you, quester! I feel you about wrong jobs--I'm still the ADA work from home girl. I don't know how I'm going to work around that one--but I am looking at your link, lisah, for sure.
And happy graduation/transitions to all the wee ones.
I'm sorry to hear that, ita. You deserve better, but hopefully you will find better.
Me, I managed to soldier right through to happy hour, during which I drank a low-alcohol (but tasty) beer very slowly. And then I tried to get a Uber car, but the app didn't work, so I caught a bus home.
I am, apparently, hiding from a personal project I need to finish, but I think tonight is not the night for that.
Three full meals today! And a beer! So excite.