So far I like this doctor. Marriage material? (For me, not you).
Possibly. He interned in Canada, so he told me if he was in Canada he wouldn't have ordered an MRI because of the wait and the low odds of a problem. He said that we have all these problems in the US with guns and whatnot, but at least in the US it's easy to get an MRI.
Eta: oh, forgot to mention that he's funny.
said bag would become very difficult to remove once it froze solid.
Small mallets carefully applied.
edit: useful in many different situations.
I don't have mallets that small (I really want to say "not even the rain has mallets that small"). I'd be a-feared of breaking the plastic bar, also. I'm very fond of this refrigerator/freezer.
I'm thinking maybe careful application of hair dryer, but not today.
Can you tell what tools would be required to remove the keeper bar? They are supposed to be easy to remove for cleaning.
You are a genius! It popped right off, no tools needed. That would never have occurred to me.
See, this is why I will keep whining about my petty problems; people often come along and solve them for me.
See, this is why I will keep whining about my petty problems; people often come along and solve them for me.
This is the truth, though. Not that you're whining, but telling people every little thing is often useful!
Or funny: Instead of my renewed driver's license, today's mail brought my first solicitation from AARP. It's only a week early, but still, I soooo wasn't ready for that.
Heh, I started getting those when I was barely legal to drink.
Speaking of aging...
I cannot sleep through the night without some really crappy too-hot-to-continue moment. Is it possible that I am having hotflashes but only at night? Doesn't happen during the day. (yet).
In other news, yesterday was the last coumadin day!
Yay for the end of coumadin!