In other bad news/good news, I just made plans to get together with a friend whose father also has Alz, and was thinking about suggesting a particular place because it seemed dark and seedy enough to cry in, and she suggested the same place for the same reasons!
Aw, sweetie. I'm glad you have your friend, though!
I have to admit I kinda skimmed. Today is my last doctor-mandated day off work. I'd planned to go in, but I don't trust driving right now. And, well, they don't want us to work from home, so why not take the hit?
Also, I can't really read for 8 hours. Not bright things.
So healthma to those that need it, raps on the knuckles of deserving medical staff, curses on home appliances, and taking Visine to the Jesse get together. Which reminds me--time for my topical anti-bios. I've almost perfected my technique.
The person taking my blood to type for a transfusion told me "You're next," then came out half an hour later and asked cheerily, "Are you ready?" Then she started giving me dietary advice. Pirates have hijacked my bone marrow and are refusing to make blood cells. I could feed them pounds of steak and rusty nails and not improve the anemia one whit. Also, I was kind of on the clock, in that between already having two medical procedures and then waiting for her, it was going to be a near thing whether I got home before my spoons ran out.
Ginger, I'm thinking you probably should have smacked her.
It occurred to me, but I need those two units of packed red blood cells, which unfortunately they can't give me until Friday, so I have another day of not being able to do anything that requires standing or leaning over.
Well, I hope she gets smacked, proverbially or otherwise, at some point.
It's sort of stupid how good a trip to Target sometimes feels. I mean, it's just toothpaste and stuff, not the Hope Diamond.
You should take a person with you to smack her. We can start a volunteer squad.
The masseuse said, somewhat horrified, "Your back has never been this tight." I explained that I'd spend several days sleeping on a bed that was not my own.
There was much rejoicing on both our parts when my back finally stopped resisting.
You should take a person with you to smack her. We can start a volunteer squad.
That is genius! I would be more than happy to be someone's Surly Buddy at difficult appointments.
I'm so exhausted. I wanted to call in sick and sleep the day away, but the building construction during the day is too loud. So I am at work juggling fireballs.
I'm always happy to put the smack down on someone else's behalf. I get to feel all righteous and shit. Way more so than when it's for me.