I don't know if I like vinho verde (no, autocorrect, I do not mean bingo. That'll put marzipan in your pie plate). I should try some and find out.
Solved my leftover lamb problem with curried eggs. Now I have leftover Curried Eggs and Lamb, but only one serving, so that's manageable.
Vinho verde is nice because it's light, a little fizzy, and relatively low-alcohol. Perfect for summer drinking!
I've never had vinho verde, but it sounds perfect for me.
Maya Angelou died, Twitter says (with credible sources).
I had some monday night!
No dentist appt for me. I got there, told the front desk and then sat there for 15 minutes (5 minutes early) before I was all, uh, guys?
They'd forgotten and told my person I wasn't there. And no one checked the waiting room (it's not immediately visible from the front desk.) So I just scrapped it. Hope nothing new pops up before the next one in August.
Came home to messages on my machine asking where I was.
I *really* hope this isn't a harbinger for the day.
Maya Angelou died
Oh no!
Yikes, Sara. My morning was crappy for reasons I won't get into, but that is of the suck!
PS: Did I say vinho verde is cheap? Another major point in its favor.
Oh good lord, sarameg.
Sad about Maya Angelou. She's another of those people that were supposed to be eternal.
Vinho verde certainly sounds great! There's a particular flavor that renders otherwise lovely wine undrinkable to me, which unfortunately I have never found a way to describe other than "that taste, the one I don't like" despite the wine tasting seminars and palate educating.
What I want to load up on for the season is the low alcohol IPA that the brewery where I puck up my Box o' Meat makes. A perfect post lawnmowing beer.
Not cool, sarameg's dentist. What the hell?
It's definitely not standard for them. They were dealing with some other sort of complicated appointment confusion that didn't sound like it was their fault when I walked in there, so I see how it happened.
If I weren't waiting on the plumber, they would've rescheduled me for 11.
Freon in the A/C replaced, dye put in the system to find the leak. Sigh.