::nods:: Scrappy is wise.
It was partly sunny and cool yesterday for the annual Ski to Sea parade. Event day today? Cold and cloudy with intermittent showers. Isn't that always the way. Sloth, and a cup of hot chocolate before the fire, seems more rewarding.
(Edited to remove annoying, if inadvertant, redundancy)
That sounds really good, Bev.
The cat that was napping on the (not turned on) heating pad finally got up and let me use it and it is helping. Whew.
My daughter was a last minute substitution on the ski/snowboard leg of Ski to Sea with a group of guys from her Ultimate Frisbee team. She has snowboarded maybe a dozen times in her life and the last time was Christmas vacation in 2012 but she likes a challenge. A result was posted for that leg so I can at least confirm that she made it down the hill in one piece!
Wash your hands and don't hug or kiss, Tep. And enjoy!
Sunday race day for me. But radio broadcasts because I ditched cable. I'm hoping it leads to racing naps. I'm tired.
NB: It's dilaudid day, and it's in pretty full effect, so my language maybe nonsensical if I'm being obsessive about spelling but putting in random words and trailing off.
But think of all the people denied a Steph smish! Typhoid Mary got to be hugged by
people, I'm sure. But in more seriousness, you have a bit more weight to keep unwanted huggers off you.
My nurse kept dabbing at her eyes all session and I think it's because of my eye watering. Oops.
You know, the only thing I'll miss about improved health when it comes is nurses and so much Ubering. I really like talking to nurses (except RN Woo Woo) and cabs too
How do normal people find those random brief conversations? I know they said it was hard to make friends out of university, but I'm not much concerned with these being people I see again. In fact, I'd prefer zipless conversations to new friends.
I've fallen asleep so many times during this post I no longer remember what my point was supposed to be.--TL/DR/FA.
In fact, I'd prefer zipless conversations to new friends.
I mean sometimes new friends maybe but, ugh, not all new people I talk to will be friends. Few will. Just give me a few minutes of conversation and then go away.
I'd be less wary of talking to strangers if I thought there was a decent chance they'd go away afterwards.
How do normal people find those random brief conversations?
Alone in a non-English speaking country was pretty good for that, for me -- in Paris, I kept saying two sentences to fellow tourists and moving on. So I guess a person could do that anywhere!
I was at the pharmacy Friday, alone among 8 chairs. A woman cam to the chairs, looked at them all, then chose to sit right next to me. I was reading my tablet, but I'd observed all this. She immediately started asking questions. "Is that your husband up there?" "Yes," I muttered. "I wish I had a husband. I can't find a good man." I continued reading, not answering. She turned to stare at me. I didn't look up. She turned away. "I had a friend who was a pharmacist, he committed suicide. Money isn't everything." I didn't say anything. She turned to stare at me again, I continued reading. She said something else. I got up to join Hubby at the counter. She humphed and got up and walked away.
I would be happy not to have random strangers talk to me.
Small world news. I graduated from Berekely High School back in the day. A friend from then, L, stayed in the area and has a son who will be graduating from BHS this year. Her son has a friend in his English class who has a very distinctive last name. L finally asked her son about the kid and he is indeed Spike's son. Wonder if Mr. Marsters will be attending BHS grad.