Of course I certainly expect to never ever get old or sick, but I at least feel comfortable that DH and both boys each have strong nurturing qualities. I trust them to make decisions and/or convince me to do what I should.
I will be posting pictures some time later in the week, but my level of glee with the house projects is off the charts. We have done a huge amount of work the past few days. Tearing out the patio screens, lots of yard stuff, changing the exterior paint color. The results were better than I imagined by far. I told my neighbor he deserved vast quantities of hugs and kisses for his suggestions. The parental units will stop by tomorrow on their way north and I am anxious to show off. Many hands helped. My boys, and basketball kids, and friends of friends. Awesomeness.
Are these preparing to sell the house projects, Laura? I'm glad they are going well, whatever the purpose.
Definitely a coffee and pie for breakfast day for me. Lucky for me I happen to have coffee and pie available.
Yes, -t. The house needed some 'curb appeal' updates.
Mmmm, pie.
It's nice to start the day already under the bus.
It's nice to start the day already under the bus.
I did not get enough sleep last night and I feel like well trod ass.
I'm pretty sure my boss is mad at me for asking if we could not do the weekly meeting yesterday since we were all really busy. I didn't even add the part about the weekly meeting being a complete waste of time, but she's still annoyed, and she's going to be in my office today which means I have to spend more time I don't have trying to get her unannoyed
re: trigger warnings for college classes
see this article in Salon: [link]
I don't know WTF to think about all of this. My courses, while not free of controversy, do not often feature explicit assault kind of material. So the kind of trigger warnings I see on tumblr and twitter would not fit. However, on occasion, I have told students to prepare themselves for shocking visuals (like of really bad disease) when I show a research ethics movie.
What I think a lot of people are unprepared for, but I don't address it via "warning" is discussions about racism (for example). Some of that stuff is triggering, really. But since it is part of what they expect to discuss, I feel people know what to expect generally.
I've finally realized some of the part of it I don't get is having lived in the same place for 30+ years.
My parents have owned our house for more than 30 years, and my father intends to decay there. He's planning railings and ramps and all sorts of things that you don't even know about for sure yet, since his vision has gotten quite better since he came to Fl for surgery and my mother insists she'll keep doing yoga and improver her mobility. You never know what accommodation will be. But they do not have a neighbourhood community, although a family that's kinda like Hydra. Will I move back? Could I move back? Could I not move back?
From my cousin's funeral, I realise I might have to move back (at least for a while) for my sister. She will fall apart if my mother dies. The cancer was pretty hard on us all, but I think we're psychically better off for it. Death won't do that.
Hey, meet Feminist Frank. It's not a numerous meme, but it is amusing.
I love shows with dancing scenes where you can tell a) who has zero rhythm, who took the classes as a kid, who picked it up pretty well during pre-eo training, and who's Dule Hill. (I also love people discovering Dule Hill, BTW).
eta: I'd either not take your class or sob in the corner continuously. I try not to avoid my racial/slavery triggers (a la not watching 12 Years Of Slavery Yet, if ever--maybe with a binkie and a best friend who's given up on judging me).