Also, where are you going that you need typhoid and malaria and shots, oh my?
Ecuador with Brenda. We're going to be in the Amazon region for a couple of days. I also took the opportunity to get the TDAP and a final round of HepA/B shots while I was there getting shots anyway.
Pretty much what I've found from couponing is that you'll save a lot more at the drugstore than at the grocery store, at least percentage-wise.
Thanks, Hil! Your process is interesting. I try to use coupons but don't put a lot of effort into it, so I'm curious about how other people manage it. I knew of, but apparently I fail to check there. I do the drugstore loyalty card thing, though.
Bass, who was cited for criminal mischief and transported to Providence Hospital, also told officers he had taken LSD.
raise your hand if you are surprised about the LSD part.
Shield takes up an arm, sword takes up a hand, is he wielding the staff Florentine?
He may have been using one of those newfangled scabbard things.
Don't think they'll catch on, though.
Goal review went well, but the task set before me to finish is still epically boring and I am epically COLD.
In somewhat related news (to my question above, not to people's difficulties with relatives), do other editors ever get actually angry at stuff they're editing? Not because of content, just because it's in such shit shape?
I mean, it's good that people keep us employed. But maybe people who can't write shouldn't be allowed to.
My situation is that I'm editing Engineers, last place was Chemists (no tech writers in residence). So they're not EXPECTED to be able to write. I keep thinking "job security" - except I'm supposed to be laid off sometime next year (however, the Engineers aren't - the User Manuals should be AMAZING in 2016).
Glad the goal review went well, ita.
I knew what the trip was about, but my brain saw "In the Amazon region" and thought "Hm, I wonder if they can go shopping."
Ecuador with Brenda. We're going to be in the Amazon region for a couple of days
Very cool! Or probably more likely on the warm side. I was there is DH and kids, but in the mountains and volcano areas. They certainly have a variety. Looking forward to hearing your adventure tales and seeing the pictures.
I have no doubt that my mother's feelings about care were influenced by taking care of her mother-in-law. We are all fortunate that she has suffered no dementia. I can only imagine how much that complicates everything.
JFC today was a Monday and a half. Was locked out of my computer for half an hour first thing in the morning, then had a good hour and a half of working before it was time for an hour long meeting followed by a half hour drive to a four-hour meeting (which did feed me lunch BUT STILL) then a half-hour back so I could try to cram everything that absolutely had to get done today into 20 minutes. Failed at that, of course, stayed an extra 45 minutes. But the kicker is, the one thing I really desperately needed to do today, once I got it done, I got a call from my "internal customer" telling me I am doing it wrong and apparently have been for the 6 months I've had the account (I was actually trained a year ago and have been doing it the same way and there has been no whisper that anything should be different, so I tend to think she is full of shit, but there's no way this isn't a huge PITA). Argh.
I feel like I'm tempting the universe, but yesterday our "son" replaced a sensor on the Jeep, which has been reported in the past to be a cause of the engine stopping at low RPM. Today Hubby drove it around for 2 hours with no problems. All I need to do now is get the far-expired Taurus home without an issue, and I can swap over to my new car.