ita, wrt to cell law, the deal is it's hands free.
Which is why I have questions about a Garmin you hold, or an iPod or a disconnected tablet or a Thomas Guide you're flipping through, etc. Would it be a problem to have a general distracted driver law instead of trying to hit specific technologies? Because I will totally set my phone up as a wifi access point, toss it into my bag, and use my tablet as my live navigation device if that's more legal. Or save the navigation to it and use it statically. I think the map that moves with me (even though I need to hold it to see it best) is safer than the one in which I need to work out where I am, but this becomes about not getting arrested, rather than not getting into an accident.
Today is big gamble day. Today I asked the nurse to come at 7PM so I can go to the 2-6 final session of the art course (good god, do I have burbles about the course, but I can barely articulate them, much less inflict them upon you--you can exhale now). Of course, she called me
at 8:15
to say she was on her way to me. From where? Vegas? Why would she be on her way to me from then, and why would she call me? Never mind the text I sent her yesterday about 7PM or anything--if she thought it was 7AM, she was late enough to fuck up any plans (which is why I put her off until afterwards--trying to have her come early enough that I'd be safe to drive would be an absolute failure on many levels).
I don't even.
Too much of the Night Vale trailer is from SPN for me to fall into it, but yes, the tracker casting is PERFECT. And the old lady is pretty good too. My Carlos is Matt Bomer, but I can't bear thinking about
his hair getting cut
so maybe I should cast someone less painfully perfect.
It's funny how ominous Thor wasn't, really. Unless it was for the US. But great choice of footage for Night Vale.
now it has been pointed out that it sounds just like a Marvin Gaye song
Robin denies it! Yet, if you put a picture of Marvin up and start playing Blurred Lines, it will fuck with your head up to the point where it's made clear it's not genius.
most of the Eminem oeuvre
Most of the Eminem oeuvre is about him and not women, and it's *absolutely* self-aware. Robin Thicke denies being self-aware (cf Martin Gaye influence), Marshall Mathers says "I could pay for therapy, or you could pay to listen to me talk about my twisted issues." [paraphrased].
Possibly more cats than porn
I'm gonna have to say no on this one. I think more people are willing to take pictures of their genitalia than are willing to take pictures of their pets (insert pussy joke here...withdraw...insert...). Just look at tumblr, I swear. Freaks me out.
What also freaks me out is that I swear I stumbled on kiddie porn the other day (on tumblr) and it was a horrible feeling, and then the [this picture has been removed for violating Tumblr guidelines] right before it makes sudden and disturbing sense, and you need more hands to close windows and scrub your eyes and cover your mouth at the same time.
It's funny how ominous Thor wasn't, really. Unless it was for the US. But great choice of footage for Night Vale.
Right? It's just a big, cheerful, uncomplicated movie with pretty menfolk. But in the Night Vale trailer, it's suddenly DOOOOOOM.
For some reason, in my head, Naveen Andrews is Carlos. Never mind that he's Indian.
Today's Arthur King of Time and Space seems Natter relevant: [link]
Would it be a problem to have a general distracted driver law
We sort of do, in that driving at a speed unsafe for the conditions includes conditions inside the car and conditions of the driver (and safe speed for putting on mascara, for example, is zero, that sort of thing). Or so I was told back when I took that driver safety course for a reduced fine on a speeding ticket. As one does.
I got a dashboard dock to hold my phone because I use the GPS directions on it all the time. I still have to poke at the screen occasionally if I'm changing routes or something, but I don't have to hold it, which makes me feel less likely to get a using-phone-while-driving ticket whether that is true or not. And I'm always a little nervous about picking a playlist while I'm driving, though that doesn't come up very often as I mostly drive short distances and listen to longish podcasts.
Before cell phones, I used to memorize lines and study for tests while driving. From a book on the passenger seat. This seems dangerous to me now. I do note that I did a lot of highway driving with no other cars. Also, in a world before ravel mugs and car cupholders, I did an awful lot of trying to catch the ceramic cup of coffee I had sitting on my dash! And I put on makeup.
Huh, I feel like I always had cup holders. But, no, there were definitely times of holding a coke or coffee with my left hand and just steering with the right, or bracing the steering wheel with my wrist while I shifted. I also often had passengers that could hold my beverage for me if necessary, and if I didn't have passengers I might very well have one of those cardboard drink holders from McDonalds sitting on the passenger seat.
BTW, yesterday's excess coffee has all been consumed. Crisis: Too Much Coffee averted. For now.
BTW, yesterday's excess coffee has all been consumed. Crisis: Too Much Coffee averted. For now.
And I bough new coffee. So everything has worked out and balance has been restored.
My cup holder/sippy cup lack may also be because I drove a 1979 car in 1993. I also live in the back wood, because I remember the first time I saw a ravel mug was also about 1993. My boss had one from weight watchers to drink water. I loved it and remarked upon it so much that she gave me one!
Sister update: she's doing OK and will likely be discharged tomorrow. Home care nurse is set to come twice a day to change her dressing. She is freaking out about this and I'm not sure how to calm her. I don't think she realizes that, if she's not OK with a home healthcare nurse, the alternative is a skilled nursing facility. I really hope she stops trying to talk people out of this.
Has anyone said that to her explicitly?