This may just be the best thing on the internet:
Sims can no longer "Try for Baby" with the Grim Reaper.
Then what's the POINT, man?
The magical laundry bear Abracadabra will no longer block Sims from moving after disappearing.
Hey, *I* want a magical laundry bear.
Toddlers can no longer get fleas.
I am no longer interested in playing this game.
Sims who are on fire will no longer be forced to attend graduation before they can put themselves out.
Before this patch, those must have been the BEST graduation ceremonies EVER.
The Murphy Bed has been made less lethal.
Also disappointing.
Fixed an issue that could cause the Time Traveler to catch on fire and not be able to be put out.
The Time Traveler couldn't just graduate and then be put out? Oh wait, they already ruined that fun with an earlier patch. Boo, Sims, boo.
This one has to be my favorite:
An issue has been fixed that caused Unicorns to lose their special powers when using the Make All Happy cheat.
An issue has been fixed that caused Unicorns to lose their special powers when using the Make All Happy cheat.
So this is no longer the way real unicorns work.
I should have been playing The Sims, I guess. I had no idea there were magical laundry bears and unicorns.
I would like a magical laundry bear, please.
I am so. tired. I was up from 2-4:30am. I work until 9 tonight and then have a big stressful work event tomorrow morning. And a big stressful school volunteer event Friday morning. Wah.
I wonder if there's a money-making opportunity in being a person who acts like a crazy neighbor or mutters about the drains to scare off other buyers.
When Amy and I first came out to Utah and were sharing an apartment, the landlord sent over a couple of people. We each had single bedrooms that were supposed to be doubles, so we were not wanting roomies. Fortunately, the upstairs neighbors had decided that evening was a great time to start aerobics workouts. Much laughing and loud music from upstairs.
The potential roomies looked up, appalled. "Yeah, they do that a lot," I said gravely. "Sometimes it seems like every night," Amy added.
We watched the ceiling lamp vibrate as the floor above bounced. "I try not to sit under there," I said. Amy managed to hide her snicker.
The roomies didn't move in.
Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity May Not Exist
Analyzing the data, Gibson found that each treatment diet, whether it included gluten or not, prompted subjects to report a worsening of gastrointestinal symptoms to similar degrees. Reported pain, bloating, nausea, and gas all increased over the baseline diet. Even in the second experiment, when the placebo diet was identical to the baseline diet, subjects reported a worsening of symptoms!
Fortunately, the upstairs neighbors had decided that evening was a great time to start aerobics workouts.
Perfect timing! And you didn't even have to pay them.
That is a great house, flea.
Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity May Not Exist
I read that earlier. It's not exactly medical news that FODMAPS can cause GI problems, but it's interesting that gluten might just be one of a handful of problematic foods.