I don't wash most of my clothes after every wearing, and I do JUST FINE.
The Baby Name Wizard is full of wacky name facts and trend analyses today
There was just some name I wanted to look up on there, and now I forget what and why! Edit: Oh, right -- a high school friend with an old-fashioned name.
Some awesome Carl Kassell stuff:
Goddamnit, the appraisal on the Washington house came in lower than the purchase price, and the buyer wants a further reduction on the price.
Thank you for the Carl Kasell videos!
Dana, that is way worse than my house woes today. Yuck.
Thank you for the Carl Kasell videos!
Dana, that is way worse than my house woes today. Yuck.
Husband's not home yet, but it seems like the only options are to get another appraisal (which we'd have to pay for, and which would surely delay the closing, which is in a week), to walk away from the sale, or to eat the difference.
Ugh, Dana. None of those are fun options.
At 7pm my darling son, whom I love and therefore did not kill, said to me, "Mom, it looks like you need to do some laundry. The basket is full."
Ha. Are Casper and Dillo old enough to learn how to do the laundry themselves? I am so looking forward to the day when I can foist some chores off on the kids.
Laundry was my job from the time I was 9 or 10, at least partly because my parents have low standards. I mean, I just sorted the darks and lights and washed everything in warm.