I don't care about this article--I'm only posting it for the picture of the woman: Apple Public Relations Vice President Katie Cotton to Retire - Mac Rumors
Isn't that a terrible picture of her? Or is it just me? (I'm worse than most people at reading facial expressions.) She looks like she's trying to force a smile after being told she has to clean toilets all day.
That is an uncomfortable picture.
I know, right? She's the vice president of public relations at the largest company (by market capitalization) in the world.
eta: You think she'd have a better official picture.
Brag moment: chair test in band yesterday and Mac made 1st chair trombone. He had been 8 th chair, so a big jump. The highest he has ever been before is 4 th.
Isn't that a terrible picture of her?
Let me show you my teeth.
Yay Mac!!!
ita, don't go to work.
Go, mac! At least he's keeping up with something? And you are also doing a great job with your exercising and whatnot!
She looks like she's trying to force a smile after being told she has to clean toilets all day.
That sounds about right. But maybe it's just her face? She should maybe be a person who doesn't smile in pictures?
Am feeling amazing about this Serious Eats iced coffee taste-test. [link] Amazing because (spoilers) I don't need to feel about about just brewing coffee and then putting it in the fridge any more.
First chair! That's awesome! I was perennial second chair flute in middle school.
Yay mac! That's excellent!
I don't need to feel about about just brewing coffee and then putting it in the fridge any more.
That's what I do! I'm too lazy to do otherwise.
t edit
And I drink it w/cream, so the article totally vindicates my laziness.
I don't understand not using moisturizer. My face feels dry just thinking about it!
Same here. I've become a convert to Bee Magic Healing Cream at night. It goes on heavy, but it absorbs quickly, and it really is magic for my skin.
Daytime, I use a light application of Weleda Skin Food under my makeup, and a dusting of powder sunblock. I've had to convert to physical sunblocks instead of my beloved super-high SPF chemical ones, because my skin has decided chemical sunblocks are The Enemy.