"Lame" at least can imply a temporary condition.
I've got to get going, but I slept in late (yeah, 8 is late for me). I was very pleased that the historic rice plantation I visited yesterday does NOT gloss over the slaves that actually did the work, including a long, long list of their names that historians have been able to gleam from the records.
Alas, no wild alligators, but I have hopes today.
Keep an eye on the trees, Theo.
Man, I woke up an hour early this morning with horrible stomach pain. My effort to dull it has dulled my brain. But it was HORRIBLE.
Weirdly--I had good dreams (the night before I lucidly ended a couple bad ones) but I can remember none of the details. I do remember pleading with myself in that liminal state to remember them. Of course, the dream where I had to buy a car so sketch I wouldn't have sex in it--that one I remember pretty clearly.
Why brain? I try and do nice things for you, I swear. Never mind how lovely I am to my tummy.
I swear I read someone say it was weird for them to watch *someone* on GoT be all Games of Thronesy and then
hit on
Alicia Florek, but...that was Batmanuel, and he is not in GoT. I didn't think they were that similar (I think they either meant
Okay, gonna try work.
Could. Not. Fall. Asleep. last night. Even when I kinda fell asleep, I don't think I ever hit REM sleep. Today is gonna suck.
No new news on KCD.
I was so rooting for
Alicia to get that drink with Batmanuel.
Maybe that someone was thinking of Lost? Because that's like GoT in some unspecified way? I don't know.
This is the stupidest/funniest thing I've seen recently:
Me too, -t.
I don't know what I want for lunch.
I don't know what I want for lunch.
Isn't burrito always the answer?
I've had lunch and I am still hungry.