I had a regular correspondence with my Aunt Haruko and loved it. But she (nor anyone else) ever pressured me. I'm sorry, Sox... that's a lot to deal with.
Grace has surgery tomorrow at 7:30 AM. She may be tracheless after the surgery. I certainly hope so. But it's sort of agonizing to wait. Usually the OR is scheduled for an hour for her surgeries and they take less than that. This time, they're scheduled for 90 minutes.
"That's because you're 11." is an infuriating statement and could well be part of long-standing sibling putdowns. I can see angry.
If it were me, I'd tell HPF that grandma doesn't understand e-mail, and tell grandma to send to sort of e-mail that HPF would want to answer.
All fingers crossed for Grace, Kat.
Best wishes to Gracie!
And oy, Sox. That's a bit much from your mom. Of course, my mom was terrified of the computer and wouldn't read email unless you printed it out for her.
Wishing for easy decannulization for Gracie.
Yes! Go, Grace! Hope it all goes well.
Sox, your mom was totally over the line. It makes me a little nuts that my nieces don't write thank you cards but I wouldn't give them shit about it. Maybe when they're grown I will, though!
Fingers crossed for Grace!
I failed my New Year's goal for the first time last week--sad, because it wasn't so much a deliberate choice as procrastination and then forgetting. Oops. And I had a super gross cold yesterday (but am mostly fine today?? WTF?), but back on track today--literally, I went to the local college and tried running on their track! I'm blaming the cold (uh, even though I'm mostly fine) on why it wasn't great.
"That's because you're 11." is an infuriating statement and could well be part of long-standing sibling putdowns. I can see angry.
Yeah, it seems over the top (punching is not good) but god knows my siblings and I had a lot of long-simmering and sudden explosions over drama.
My cats have a new game. Kitty will be in the living room and pawing at the blinds on the glass back door. Finally figured out that Noodle is my room and look out the sliding glass door at Kitty. Darned cats.
In a complete topic shift, KCD is in the hospital. He has a ugly cyst that isn't reacting to ABs, so he got admitted and they are talking surgery and possible MRSA. K-Bug has seen it and says it is big and gross. With his smoking, high sugar diet and diabetes, I'm not surprised his body isn't jumping to heal itself. His refusal to care for himself was a piece our split. Even so, I feel for what my kids and B are going to be dealing with as he goes through this.