My SIL is complaining that the 11year old is acting like a 13 year old 3 year old. So.
It also depends on what kind of skirmishes the siblings had earlier. My brother and I were truly evil to each other over simmering grudges at times.
COSMOS Sisters of the Sun made me cry. I appreciated the sly snarks at sexism. I even more appreciated them putting those womens' names out there.
Sox, your mother needs boundaries, or I'd make sure the emails go through you first. Trust issues.
Instead of lame, I'd usually say stupid.
Cookies cooling on the rack!
I agree with sarameg that the epic flounce could have easily been building from something that happened between them earlier. Melodramatic, sure, but plenty of kids have melodrama coming out of their bottom.
Sox, that's a whole lotta WTF. Was HPF upset at all by the "where's your next email" message?
I had a regular correspondence with my Aunt Haruko and loved it. But she (nor anyone else) ever pressured me. I'm sorry, Sox... that's a lot to deal with.
Grace has surgery tomorrow at 7:30 AM. She may be tracheless after the surgery. I certainly hope so. But it's sort of agonizing to wait. Usually the OR is scheduled for an hour for her surgeries and they take less than that. This time, they're scheduled for 90 minutes.
"That's because you're 11." is an infuriating statement and could well be part of long-standing sibling putdowns. I can see angry.
If it were me, I'd tell HPF that grandma doesn't understand e-mail, and tell grandma to send to sort of e-mail that HPF would want to answer.
All fingers crossed for Grace, Kat.
Best wishes to Gracie!
And oy, Sox. That's a bit much from your mom. Of course, my mom was terrified of the computer and wouldn't read email unless you printed it out for her.
Wishing for easy decannulization for Gracie.
Yes! Go, Grace! Hope it all goes well.
Sox, your mom was totally over the line. It makes me a little nuts that my nieces don't write thank you cards but I wouldn't give them shit about it. Maybe when they're grown I will, though!