Thanks for looking after ita, Tom.
I've spent some time with the soy question, since in my case the less estrogen, the better. The problem is that we don't have much data on what compounds processed soy products form in the body. The conservative approach is to eat one to two servings a day of whole soy foods such as soybeans and tofu, but to avoid soy protein additives.
Soy lecithin shouldn't have phytoestrogens left in it and is normally only used in very small amounts as an emulsifier. It is, however, a highly processed derivative of soy waste. You'd have to eat quite a lot of processed food to eat a significant amount of it, though.
tl/dr: If you're prone to fibroids, eat a diet rich in soy. She'd unknowingly been doing the 180 because she never took it through.
Yay! I've been eating edamame in small doses as a precaution (although I love it so).
Okay, I was excited about edamame, but not that excited.
Sigh. Apparently my upset tummy from last night was NSM the hangover as the harbinger of a nasty headcold. So I'm sniffling AND have an upset tummy today. BOO.
BOO. Get rest, you have to party Connecticut-style this weekend.
damn. I don't want to eat soy.
Yeah, definitely going to try to get lots of rest. Also, pepto and emergenC.
BOO is right, meara! Yuck.
Because he knows, Scola left a travel mug of good tea with his doorman since he lives near the church. So I had good tea with me, on a trip where I couldn't be bothered to wrangle my own.
So nice!!
Timelies all!
Nice and warm here. Con is done, and I'm home watching Dancing with the Stars from two weeks ago.
Tom is the best.
I just managed my way through a Church picnic while sticking to my fitness/nutrition challenge rules (mostly pale stuff). SO YAY for me.
Now to get the following things in in the remainder of the day:
wrangling the clutter a bit in my room
and also eating more, both now and at dinnertime, because while I managed to follow rules at the picnic, my stomach is growling for more food.