That does sound delightful. Next time. Although the truffles are gone, now. I am currently considering a decaf Irish coffee as a nice balance of staying awake to watch TV now and being able to fall asleep easily later. I'm not sure that will work like I want, but it might be worth trying anyway.
OH! I forgot to mention, one of my accomplishments this week (I feel like I have been super productive at work lately, whether that is warranted or not) was signing up for a doubles ping-pong tournament. My partner and I agreed we can both play badly and that's fine, and the co-worker that is running the tournament says she will take us under her wing on breaks to make sure we know the rules and get some practice. Should be fun!
Oh, crap, ita, I am so sorry! Fuck. I wish I could help.
I am in enough pain now that I expect to be relatively laid out for the weekend. Not working Monday isn't an option, hospital isn't an option, there really aren't options.
But I can barely even hold a conversation like an adult.
At least I'm done panicking for today. Nothing is resolved, per se, but at least I know nothing can be.
Pharmacy tells me the paging isn't working, can I do something? I call the hospital, my doctor is off service and unavailable so the on call neurologist calls me back.
Apparently she had called the pharmacy, but they put her on hold and then hung up on her. Which--totally plausible--they had me on hold for 15 minutes before they hung up on me today--if they'd spoken to me right away, maybe THEY COULD HAVE CAUGHT A DOCTOR DURING BUSINESS HOURS.
Anyway, the on call neuro can't write prescriptions, so this whole thing will have to be re-attempted tomorrow. Which means I can ignore the clusterfuck until about 10:30. Because it's really realistic that I won't spend 14 hours cycling worst case scenarios over and over.
The sheer simple irony that all this leaves me so much less able to cope as it gives me more and more ludicrous shit to cope with will never be lost on me.
They are all fucktards.
Also, my dad is now on YouTube, talking perseids: [link]
He was overdue for a haircut!
Oh, ita_! That sucks heartily.
Fucking hell, ita. I wish I could channel this impotent rage into something that would do you some kind of good. That's just a world of wrong.