unless anyone can suggest where I'd find a microwave in public...
In me-news, it is entirely time for wine, but I have to decide between white (because it's summer) and red (because I still have some truffles that go with a specific red wine - bought 'em back in June so probably they should be eaten up soon).
it sounds good to me, Lee.
I would have thought it goes without saying that salted caramel is fucking delicious, but I guess I thought wrong.
I like salted chocolate more than caramel. I'm just kinda meh on caramel, which is surprising because caramelization makes vegetables and roasts and what-have-you delicious, so you would think straight up caramel would be even more delicious, but not to me.
I don't really know what snickerdoodles are, though.
t /cookie ignorant
Snickerdoodles are awesome. Cinnamon sugar, and nicely chewy if they're made right.
I don't love caramel, either, but I do like salted chocolate. Even as a kid, I loved trail mix when the pretzel stick salt would rub off on the M&Ms.
Needless to say, the isolation is why I work at home.
I don't know if my boss knows what a critical path is, or how to efficient crash a project. On one hand, that should make me happy. On the other hand--oh, more work for me to make more work for me.
Caramel and chocolate are my OTP. Like, Rolos? HEAVEN.
Salted caramel is pretty damn good, too. TJs has a chocolate bar that's dark chocolate and salted caramel (and maybe toasted coconut), and it's one of the only acceptable forms of dark chocolate I'll eat.
I don't like mixing sweet and salty tastes, except for a few Thai dishes and maybe the glaze on baked ham.
Random chance worked to my advantage tonight, as I bought a Ramadan special at the local Indian restaurant and all but one piece of naan spilled out on the floor before I could decide what to do with it when I got home. Temptation eliminated!
My local King's is terrible: they do not carry Rolos. I got an emergency text asking me to pick up mixed chocolate bars for work. Because we have Hershey's, and Hershey's is boring. I became the hero of the local Girl's Science Project. But, no Rolos.
I'm so addled, I didn't even realize today was Friday, wondering about the fuss of locking up the house at work and why I should have a "great day tomorrow!".
Also, I think I'm the only one who likes the DD right now. And I'd been expecting my having to work with her for the holiday fundraiser to finally bring to the side of the Mean Girls team (so far I'd just been hearing stories about how awful she is).