Needless to say, the isolation is why I work at home.
I don't know if my boss knows what a critical path is, or how to efficient crash a project. On one hand, that should make me happy. On the other hand--oh, more work for me to make more work for me.
Caramel and chocolate are my OTP. Like, Rolos? HEAVEN.
Salted caramel is pretty damn good, too. TJs has a chocolate bar that's dark chocolate and salted caramel (and maybe toasted coconut), and it's one of the only acceptable forms of dark chocolate I'll eat.
I don't like mixing sweet and salty tastes, except for a few Thai dishes and maybe the glaze on baked ham.
Random chance worked to my advantage tonight, as I bought a Ramadan special at the local Indian restaurant and all but one piece of naan spilled out on the floor before I could decide what to do with it when I got home. Temptation eliminated!
My local King's is terrible: they do not carry Rolos. I got an emergency text asking me to pick up mixed chocolate bars for work. Because we have Hershey's, and Hershey's is boring. I became the hero of the local Girl's Science Project. But, no Rolos.
I'm so addled, I didn't even realize today was Friday, wondering about the fuss of locking up the house at work and why I should have a "great day tomorrow!".
Also, I think I'm the only one who likes the DD right now. And I'd been expecting my having to work with her for the holiday fundraiser to finally bring to the side of the Mean Girls team (so far I'd just been hearing stories about how awful she is).
I really like Trudy's response! It is my very favorite.
At work, we're facing a serious housing crunch in the coming years, and one of the ideas proposed was using one these third party collaborative workspaces that are popping up. Basically with all the IT infrastructure, conference rooms, facilities for video conference, etc for teleworkers who prefer an office but can't be at the main office, but not maintained by your parent company. I think the model is largely geared to tech work (so you're likely to have a bunch of coders working for different companies, but they can talk shop) but in this neck of the woods, I imagine more diverse than that.
I have no idea what terms to even google for, and possibly I'm not explaining them clearly.
Also, skype with abandon.
Virtual office. Regus is one of the companies you might look at but there are others.