Good luck to your sister, Burrell.
After work today, I picked up Noah and Grace at camp. Noah went to a 90 minute soccer practice (where he is the smallest kid by far, and, one of the more hard-charging aggressive players). Grace and I went to the lego mini-model build. We built a flamingo which I am totally in love with, will plan on gluing together for maximum permanency and placing on my desk. Because we had to wait for 2 hours before we could build, we hung out in the lounge outside the bathroom in Nordstroms.
Also, tomorrow, with day camp, the twins are going to Disneyland. What children go to a daycamp that goes to Disneyland? Amirite?
This is a man with no chronic health conditions, full mobility, and only mild cognitive problems. We were hoping he'd have at least a couple of good years now that the burden of caring for my mother is over.
This describes my father as well. He lasted exactly 1 year and 1 month after her death. He just gave up, he didn't have the will to live without her.
Candidate for sickening use of "I apologise if I offended anyone"--former tennis legend and youth coach Bob Hewitt who's been accused of raping many pre-teens. He left behind girls too damaged to play tennis anymore, one who can't be
men, and is too scared to have children because of the trauma she experienced--they were hushed up for decades, but now that they're getting traction on charges, two of the women have started playing tennis again, and that's pretty much where I stopped gaping and started crying.
What children go to a daycamp that goes to Disneyland? Amirite?
I say win-win: kids get to go to Disneyland and parents don't have to go too. (I say that as someone who likes Disneyland, but who prefers having my own say over which rides I go on.)
I know she is in bed, but Jesse needs to put up some of this on eye candy. [link]
good lord.
I just discovered Grammar Slam. [link]
I have started using Pooh Case because of a certain friend of mine who is Exuberent! Over! Everything! and I Heart her for it. It's Fun! It's also a good way to express tone and emotion in text, at least if you're doing it with other people who speak LOLCat.
My writing tic is "actually". It's actually really hard not to say it.
I know three people who are smart and well-read, one of whom is my BFF who taught herself to read at age 3 with The Hobbit. None of them can spell. Thus I cannot use spelling as an indicator of anything except the ability to remember what the words look like. They're all better at math than I am, though, which...may mean something.
Candidate for sickening use of "I apologise if I offended anyone"--former tennis legend and youth coach Bob Hewitt who's been accused of raping many pre-teens.
What an asshole. I'm glad the people he abused are getting some closure/justice.