Oops. I started a spelling conversation and then disappeared into work for the rest of the day.
I didn't intend to pick on how kids spell. (In the back of my closet I still have a box labeled in crayon "Odes and Ends") Their brains are still being wired. I meant that reading can play a big part in creating that wiring. I do get it, though, that no learning method will work the same way for everyone.
I have to fight bad habits myself, including occasional attacks of Pooh case, the use of "myself" (which can be used correctly but not by me) and use of "obviously" which more of a verbal tic. (If it is that obvious Gar, than you don't need to say that it is obvious. Maybe you don't need to say it at all.)
Different evening for me, I went to the library to return a DVD just as they were announcing the start of a movie in the Round Room as part of a summer series of movie showings. So I stuck around and watched
which I hadn't caught in the theaters. Was OK, didn't really wow me that much.
and use of "obviously" which more of a verbal tic.
Mine is "apparently." I always have to go back through things I write and take out several of them.
So taking my sister to her doctor was more eventful today than usual. Turns out she's coming to stay at my place for a few days as she's having surgery again tomorrow morning and needs somewhere to recuperate. Whee! It'll be fine to have her here, I just worry that the kids will be too active for her.
and use of "obviously" which more of a verbal tic.
For me it's "basically". When I did my maths major, it was common practice for the lecturers, when running through a proof, to state every now and then that "from this, it is obvious that...". My favourite such occurrence was when the lecturer stopped, looked at the board and muttered, "is it obvious...?" He then stood there for about a minute, before announcing "Yes, it's obvious" and carrying on. (Needless to say, I was reassured.)
A group of us prepared a translation guide to explain what the various lecturers meant by "it is obvious", which I reproduce below:
If Dr Bryce says it's obvious then it will take you ten minutes to prove it.
If Dr Davies says it's obvious then it will take you two hours to prove it.
If Dr Wick says it's obvious then it will take you two days to prove it.
If Dr Loy says it's obvious then he wrote a book proving it.
If Dr Ward says it's obvious then you learnt it in kindergarten.
And if Dr Hutchinson says it's obvious then it's wrong.
Odes and Ends
That's the perfect title for something.
Good luck to your sister, Burrell.
After work today, I picked up Noah and Grace at camp. Noah went to a 90 minute soccer practice (where he is the smallest kid by far, and, one of the more hard-charging aggressive players). Grace and I went to the lego mini-model build. We built a flamingo which I am totally in love with, will plan on gluing together for maximum permanency and placing on my desk. Because we had to wait for 2 hours before we could build, we hung out in the lounge outside the bathroom in Nordstroms.
Also, tomorrow, with day camp, the twins are going to Disneyland. What children go to a daycamp that goes to Disneyland? Amirite?
This is a man with no chronic health conditions, full mobility, and only mild cognitive problems. We were hoping he'd have at least a couple of good years now that the burden of caring for my mother is over.
This describes my father as well. He lasted exactly 1 year and 1 month after her death. He just gave up, he didn't have the will to live without her.