I can't do it. I can't make myself give him medication that makes him feel crappy.
I believe strongly in quality of life over quantity. For every species. But especially for pets who trust us so completely with their well-being.
I know that my vet worked with me for years finding the best treatments for Kittenish that also gave her the best quality of life. We found out that I could give her a second dose of her thyroid meds via a transdermal cream and that made her so much happier than liquid meds twice a day where she'd flinch whenever I touched her.
Talk things over with your vet, of course, but Harvey's happiness is important. Don't discount that.
I totally agree on quality of life.
If I had _only_ known Bartleby's true condition, I would never, ever have gone to extraordinary measures. He seemed happy enough, but it had to be incredibly painful. His happiness and well-being were always paramount in my heart. So, yeah, I'm with you Andi.
I haven't gone there today. But I also haven't checked my guilty pleasure links yet today. That place is awful but I click like it's crack.
Honestly, I found my self squirming and trying to shut my eyes against it, but I would. not. look. away.
It got to the point where I was sort of ashamed of myself for polluting my own mind.
But. They DO have excellent dog stories on the regular. I just couldn't look past all the other stuff...even for my own good.
Can I get some volunteers for cover letter proofreading?
I'm cracking up at how many of us are Daily Mail addicts.
sj, I'm running out for a minute, but I'll email it to you when I get back. Profile addy okay?
I'm cracking up at how many of us are Daily Mail addicts.
I had to go see what the fuss was about and EEPS! I think the site may be run by soul-sucking demons.
Ugh, a little TMI whine: I thought I was all better and could drop the yeast diet this week, but ONE DAY off it and my
came back. Phooey. So back on I guess. Just roasted some almonds; I hope they get me through any cravings today.
I'm cracking up at how many of us are Daily Mail addicts.
twitchitytwitchtwitch uh, not me. no ma'am. never touch the stuff.
Seriously, just talking about it brings the impulse back.
35 days. Must. hold on.