Tired. Don't wanna anymore. And still there is so much sorting and organizing to do in the yard. But we can't do that until we have the tables. But we can't set up the tables until I move the cars.
Why does it feel like life is just fine dance of, "First this has to happen and then all of these other things can happen"?
And also?
La Luna
is my second favorite Pixar short.
Why does it feel like life is just fine dance of, "First this has to happen and then all of these other things can happen"?
And why am I always doing them in the wrong order and having to backtrack?
Fuck, I think the Xanax is wearing off. 25 minutes to cleanup. Breathe.
Why does it feel like life is just fine dance of, "First this has to happen and then all of these other things can happen"?
And why am I always doing them in the wrong order and having to backtrack?
Seriously, y'all. I was HOW old before I even knew there was an order?
It's summer here on campus. So things are slow. A nice change of pace from the frantic life when school is in session. For whatever reason, today, I'm fighting to stay awake. Went to bed early. Woke up nice. But fighting to stay awake. I was just about to close my door to take a quick cat nap, when the boss walked in to chat! Wow! How close was that. Too funny. OK, now the blood is pumping. What should I do??
Why does it feel like life is just fine dance of, "First this has to happen and then all of these other things can happen"?
Sequencing! Can't do this until I do that, can't do that until the other thing gets done.
Correlation is not causation! Except when it is!
Correlation does not prove causation!
This is why I made lists and then end up with arrows and rewriting my list in a logical order but then I forget to add something and I have to rewrite it again cause I can't start until I have a good list.
Only 10 hours of work today. Wheeeee?