We figured it out one time, remember? -- we were within no more than a couple weeks of each other in one direction or the other. And then we were both like, "bitch stole my name!" And then we figured out we were 10 miles apart and knew people in common.
Haha. Oh yeah! Now I remember who we know in common. Freaky!
Are either of you NC peeps at UNC School of Performing Arts?
java, no. That's in Winston-Salem, which is about 45(?) minutes away from us.
Ah, Buffista conversation #58. Good to see you again.
You guys have already talked about my friend Patrick Read Johnson and where he teaches uni? Wow!!!
Hey, I found my delurking -- January 2001.
I must have registered five minutes before you, amyth, because my number is 344 and yours is 351.
I think I'll be at ten years shortly. Or it may have just passed.
I started lurking on Salon around the time of Earshot getting banned because of Columbine. But I don't think I posted until late 2000/early 2001. I think Knut delurked around the same time as me?? ETA: I delurked in the third thread on Jan 20/2000. I was almost a year off.
I know I started posting during the Quote Deathmatch. But I'm on my phone, so it's a pain to archive dive. I feel like that was summer of 2002.
I'd so appreciate some good thoughts.
I'd love to participate in helping out but I've just spent the last 5 hours in the urgent care having 15 puncture wounds made by several bites from my friend's new rescue dog.
Not even a client dog.
One bite hit an artery in my left hand and, because I've been taking the prescription dose of Advil for the constant pain in my shoulder, 4 of the punctures are STILL bleeding...6 hours later.
It cost me $225 dollars. The friend whose dog it was gave me $20 for the cab home because she had dinner plans and could not wait with me. She applauded me for 'being such a good sport.'
Then, when I finally dragged myself home, my best friend did not have time to talk to me.
Cagney's neck was covered with my blood when I took him back out of his crate, but I could not wash it off because I don't want to get my bandaged hands wet...and it hurts.
I also had to get a tetanus shot, in the non-injured arm, so now both arms are useless to me.
I have to take a painkiller that is potentially addictive and is likely to make me feel even worse than the Advil has.
This day has been total crap and I don't even know how to feel.