We could save up all the dead fish, press them between heavy books and make crafts with them, layering them like chain mail.
I read this too fast and was thinking chain letters, like the polish box but with dead fish and I was like, OMG so not a good idea.
I am going to sit here and fondle my zombie fish, and I should probably stop typing.
That is quite the image.
I have to go back to work and sweat some more. I know I'm dehydrated and my salts are out of whack when, say, Wheat Thins don't taste salty to me. It's definitely time to start freezing water bottles at night and taking a gallon or so to work every day. And powdered Gatorade, definitely time to stock up on powdered Gatorade.
we seem to have zombie fish coming out of the woodwork. There should be a movie.
Hil, I am sorry that the waxing and the shaving had such unpleasant effects.
GC, I have no photo advice, but I do look forward to you figuring it out so I can see some.
Babies are good. I like babies.
Sugar might be easier on your skin than wax, Hil.
The place I go uses it, much less irriatating -- it sticks less to the skin. Threading is the least irritating of all, but I imagine threading a leg could be quite time-consuming.
Yipes smonster, stay hydrated!
What is happening is that I don't want to reup the Pro account, but when I delete any images to try to get under 200, it shows more of the (many) images I had saved in my Pro account. Sometimes the technology stumps. I thought I could just delete a few and upload a few, you know?
Okay - I think the problem was that I was using the iPad because it worked on my iMac! Behold my gorgeous boy(s)! Starting here: [link]
look at those gorgeous eyes. what a cutie.
thank you so much for sharing!
We think he's pretty freakin' adorable! It's funny how much easier things seem the second time around. I remember it took me a little while to get to the OMGILOVEYOU with Shane because I was just so shellshocked by parenthood. With this guy? It was pretty much immediate! My little nursling! And Shane is the best big brother so far. He loves Baby Ford!
How is your body recovering? Easier than last time?