Good idea, but they are on call 24/7. Though maybe I can do something with that and Fire ridealong scheduling. Hmmmmmm.
Spark my imagination people! (I'm ignoring work for a bit cause I'm in a red hot rage over a project I'm working on, so I need to step away for a few).
Dunno what kind of equipment y'all have but round here folks go gaga over " cruises" (an hour or so jaunt on the river ) on one of the fire boats. Those get better bids than any other donations for our auctions. What do they value? My coworkers would kill for priority bidding for vacation days or and extra vacation slot opening....
Question for Mathematicas. Years ago I seem to remember reading that multi-value logic (n-valued logic where n> 2) is less powerful that 2 valued logic. Professor Google gives me no joy on this. Am I misremembering? Or am I just using the wrong search terms?
Sorry, logic isn't my field. I vaguely recall something sort of related to that from a class I took in grad school, but I can't remember details.
I will not get sucked into bullshit on a friend's FB page that posted an article about the paper that says religious people are less intelligent than atheists.
You're too smart to do that.
Thus disproving the paper.
Yes, my sample of 1 is QUALITY DATA.
ION, fucking hell, writing a resume is hard. But I think I've got it about finished.
It's perfectly acceptable to put "I am a TOTAL BADASS" under Summary of Qualifications, right?
The thing that cracks me up is that I am way more intelligent than the poster AND his wife. Combined.
It was posted with the comment ::pulls pin and throws grenade:: which tells me (being of the intelligent sort) that it was posted to be purely incendiary. And so to that, I say "God Bless his little heart" (being of the religious sort).
Well, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find that the specific set of atheists - i.e. those who have examined their ideas and beliefs, and who have used their intellects to decide that they believe there is no God - do, in fact, have a higher mean IQ than "religious people" given that it is entirely possible to include every level of belief, from the most casually unexamined to the passionately engaged who use their full intellect and have come to faith with their minds and eyes open. I doubt that most people who don't really believe much of anything because they haven't bothered to examine what they do believe will admit it - many of them will identify with generic social levels of religion, simply because they have not bothered to really think anything. The IQ of "religious" people will also skew lower due to the inclusion of those subsets of "religious" cultures who value anti-intellectualism, and avoid education. I do wonder, though, just how big the difference in mean IQ between atheists and religious people who have spent as much time examining their faith as the atheists spend examining their ideas.