I just saw a notice that the library is hiring a part time assistant. The minimum requirements are graduation from 2 year school or technical school (which I have) and related experience which based on what description of duties it looks like my customer service experience would count.
Now I just need to update my resume and write a cover letter.
Now I have to tell myself that I can write a resume and a cover letter. I know with the cover letter I need to emphasis my experience at information wrangling at the dental association and the airport . And with the retail customer service emphasis helping people find information etc. It's just..writing it all.
I haven't even done my therapy homework for tomorrow..
You so can do this, askye - you are a Buffista and naturally would be happy earning $$$ at a library . Lead with verbal and written comprehension and finish up with all the professional panache retail experience provides. You go, girl.
askye, you will be a kickass library assistant. If you want me to look over your resume or cover letter, I will be happy to do so. If not me, I'm sure that plenty of Buffistas would love to help.
Good luck getting the resume and cover letter done, askye. I'm sure that you would rock the library.
dooo ettt doo eeetttt doit!
serioulsly I think it would be a good fit
I'm dying to relate this, please to forgive. So last night I had a long saga of a dream, in which I was Mal Reynolds' daughter (clearly an AU because he was now "Nathan" Reynolds). Teenage me met him and Wash on a planet where they were doing A Thing and they were both dressed smartly in the height of fashion for men at that place: Darling little dresses and flats and cunning little hats. They both obviously felt ridiculous but were manfully pulling off The Look, and were exasperated with Teenage Me for giggling at them. But really, Wash's little white pointelle dress and white-and-emerald square-toed shoes were simply divine. Conclusion: Wash/my subconscious is a better fashion designer than I am. Conclusion 2: Cap'n Reynolds is a great father, if often absent, and he is proud of me.
tl;dr I have surprisingly inappropriate feelings for Captain Reynolds.
My only question is, why did you wake up?
It's a matter of air flow.