It amuses me that making that meal is what Vortex does when she *doesn't* want to cook. What would be actual "cooking", Vortex?
Well, I didn't really mean to. I was just going to heat it up, but then it was less than I thought, I needed to bulk it up, so I just diced up a potato real quick. And then I realized I'd been carb loading for a while, so I needed to add something healthy (as healthy as you can be frying something in bacon fat). And the rest is history.
I probably have a C. diff infection. So tired of being sick. So tired in general.
Those suck. I feel your pain, and hope for a speedy recovery.
Also share sentiment of tired of being sick. Past few days, energy and muscle ability have gone done a notch, and nap time has gone up a notch. Not unexpected, just frustrating, Its the next level. ::shrugs::. we shall see where it goes. at least I'm keeping a positive attitude, and visitors still swinging by. Today had lunch at a friends house. wore me out, but it was great to get out of the house.
Omnis!! Hi!!
I was at a 90s music singalong (they play the videos, with words). Now I have no voice. W
Calli, that sounds like no fun at all. I hooe you are on the mend soon.
omnis, it's good to see you. I'm glad you got a chance to get out and see a friend.
Hi, omnis! I was just thinking of you! I'm sorry to hear that your energy is low.
Hi omnis!! Great to see your pixels!
Good to see you omnis!
Suzy! You are a star!!!
I too fall in the chopping things and putting them in a pan on a stove is cooking team.
I wish we had a Fresh Market here - that $20.00 for a pre-planned meal sounds good. ($5.00 a serving is about 50% of what it costs for those meal delivery services.)
I'm keeping a positive attitude, and visitors still swinging by.
Omnis! You are often in my thoughts and I send my ~ma to you.
Sorry the energy levels are dropping, but I am very happy you got out of the house!