I probably have a C. diff infection. So tired of being sick. So tired in general.
Those suck. I feel your pain, and hope for a speedy recovery.
Also share sentiment of tired of being sick. Past few days, energy and muscle ability have gone done a notch, and nap time has gone up a notch. Not unexpected, just frustrating, Its the next level. ::shrugs::. we shall see where it goes. at least I'm keeping a positive attitude, and visitors still swinging by. Today had lunch at a friends house. wore me out, but it was great to get out of the house.
Omnis!! Hi!!
I was at a 90s music singalong (they play the videos, with words). Now I have no voice. W
Calli, that sounds like no fun at all. I hooe you are on the mend soon.
omnis, it's good to see you. I'm glad you got a chance to get out and see a friend.
Hi, omnis! I was just thinking of you! I'm sorry to hear that your energy is low.
Hi omnis!! Great to see your pixels!
Good to see you omnis!
Suzy! You are a star!!!
I too fall in the chopping things and putting them in a pan on a stove is cooking team.
I wish we had a Fresh Market here - that $20.00 for a pre-planned meal sounds good. ($5.00 a serving is about 50% of what it costs for those meal delivery services.)
I'm keeping a positive attitude, and visitors still swinging by.
Omnis! You are often in my thoughts and I send my ~ma to you.
Sorry the energy levels are dropping, but I am very happy you got out of the house!
I sort of knew I was more depressed recently, but only now has it occurred to me that my activities of the past two days, which have largely involved watching reality TV from my couch, might be a sign of that. Not the TV watching part, but the fact that I'm ignoring actual TV to watch Animal Cops and Hoarders and Pitbulls and Parolees.